Friday, August 8, 2008

Edwards forced to confess to affair

What reports former Dem VP candidate John Edwards once declared "completely untrue and rediculous" he finally today confirmed as true.

He did indeed cheat on his cancer-stricken wife.

Fortunately, he couldn't keep the story down forever, as much as the media tried to help him. (Can you imagine if this had been Dick Cheney or Mike Huckabee? Talk about front-page news!)

But you have to really feel such a sense of sadness for his wife, Elizabeth, whose limited time on earth will be spent carrying the scar of her husband's infidelity. Just horrible.

Now we know Edwards the Husband isn't much more honest than Edwards the Politician.

Remember the "Two Americas" campaign he was running just 5 months ago? You listened to the man talk and could have sworn he was running for the presidency of Bangladesh rather than the USA! That, or it was the 1930's all over again, soup-lines and vacant houses everywhere, 20 people living under everybridge.

This whole story reveals 2 things:

A) the network media, CBS, NBC, and most big-time newspapers, are still as biased as ever


B) John Edwards is still a charlatan, a hypocrite, a fraud, and a phony.

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