Saturday, August 30, 2008

Palin a Homerun Choice

Sarah Palin must be one of the prettiest politicians in our history.


But her looks aren't the only thing that has Republicans and conservatives excited.

Palin is a strong opponent of abortion, a true reformer who talks the talk and walks the walk, and a tax-cutter and champion of self-sufficiency.

Her speech in Dayton was fantastic, sounded like it came from a genuine person and not a bloviating ideologue.


I'm starting to think that's the winning ticket this November.

It's true that VP's are not terribly influential.

In 1988, Dan Quayle looked terrible in the debate and Bush still won office.

But when you get right to it, I think Obama swung and missed with Biden, and McCain knocked it out of the park with Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin.

We'll have to track the Hillary Voters Effect in the weeks to come, that's for sure.

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