Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Biden' his time?

The Bark was stunned to see the Joe Biden selection come to fruition. (Hey, we told you not to take our odds to Vegas.)

Some people have called the pick "safe."

I call the pick "stupid."

Biden does not play well politically outside the state of Delaware, even among Democrats. And Delaware itself carries a mere 3 electoral votes and was probably already a blue state.

Then you have the gaffe factor.

See, Biden likes to run his mouth a lot. And when he does so, the 65 year-old senator has been known to make an embarrassing blunder every now and again.

Even Saturday: Biden mispronounced Obama's first name and later introduced the candidate as "Barack America."

There's more where that came from.

I believe Obama made a veep mistake and, obviously, there's no going back now.

But selecting Hillary Clinton could've won the election.

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