Thursday, August 21, 2008

The Veepstakes: Democrat Edition

With the convention getting underway this Monday in Denver, the time is near for Senator Barack Obama to decide on a running mate. In fact, we don't yet know who, but Obama has just told USA Today, within the last hour, that he has in fact made a VP decision.

Now the Bark will be watching and posting this week on the convention proceedings, but for now we'll resort to a little speculation, oddsmaking, if you will.

Several factors go into picking a VP. Among them are geography (who could potentially deliver a key swing state?), buzz (a "name" candidate), compatibility (a person who would offset weaknesses of the head guy), and clout and experience (does he/she have a successful record in politics?). Obama no doubt considered all of the above as he made his choice.

That out of the way, let's lay some odds on who that choice is (take them to Vegas at your own risk).

Joseph Biden (10:1): Biden is the rumor du'jour of late, but I can't possibly believe he would be Obama's choice. Way too many skeletons in the closet. You may've heard of Biden's '88 campaign in which he was caught red-handed plagiarizing, not the work or words, but the actual biography, of a British socialist in the Labor Party. Yes, he stole from someone else's life. And among other things, Republicans could throw Biden's "clean, articulate black man" remark back at him. Connecticut will go Democrat anyway. Obama has no need for Biden.

Evan Bayh (5:1): Bayh is a more moderate Democrat from right here in Indiana. Would Obama pick someone who supports the Iraq War? Good question. I think he could. Bayh has the experience both as an executive and in the realm of foreign policy that would make for a stronger ticket. He is not, however, a nationally-known name.

Hillary Clinton (15:1): David Gergen of CNN said yesterday that Obama needs a "game-changer" and that picking Hillary could "galvanize" the party while shifting the momentum of the election (which has currently swung in McCain's favor). Now, still...highly unlikely. The Obama's don't really seem to like the Clintons at all, and I can't imagine Barack would want Bill Clinton anywhere near the White House. Should Obama lose, Hillary is the clear front-runner for 2012, but she won't be VP. (Even in this crazy campaign season.)

Tim Kaine (4.5:1): Kaine is the Gov. of Virginia and an enthusiastic campaigner. He could bring home the Electoral votes from his home state.

Rev. Jeremiah Wright (off): For one thing, we're not sure where the Good Reverend went. He may be having tea with Ahamdinejad for all we know. But Dems know he would accept the job!

John Edwards (off): Hey, a little philandering never stopped William Jefferson Clinton's career.

Kathleen Sebelius (11:1): The Gov. of Kansas might or might not help Obama glean the Hillary leftovers of the women vote. But did he see her delivery of the Dem. Response to Bush's last State of the Union? Sebelius could not have been more dull and boring. In terms of charisma, she's the total opposite of Obama. Still, he might favor her administrative experience.

Jack Reed (6:1): The Rhode Island senator is a West Point grad who would help Obama immensely on national security.

Paris Hilton (off): Both candidates seem to be persona non grata with the heiress these days. But her ingenius satirical response to McCain's ad did outline the sort of forward-thinking energy policy Obama might like!

Anyone Else (3:1): The Dem Veepstakes are more wide-open and difficult to forecast than are the Repubs'. We'll know the answer by Saturday, but don't be shocked if Barack's choice is someone beyond the speculative radar.

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